The Portfolio Home provides a single pane view of all active projects within the portfolio. Active includes pipeline

New users logging in to HORIZON PPM for the first time will be prompted to follow an automated Tour of the main components of the page. We recommend all users follow this Tour to become familiar with the layout and features offered.

At HORIZON PPM a portfolio is defined as any project the user has created or has been granted access to.  We use this loose definition as this allows the powerful filtering and search features built into the views to provide views across the portfolio that best suits the user. 

Page Sections

The page is broken down into 3 main sections, with the core section being further sub-divided into 4 other key sections.


The navigation bar on the left-hand side provides to the key functionality for managing the portfolio.

This is a context-sensitive menu and it extends to include additional options as a user navigates into a project, but these core functions remain available on all screens...

  • Add a New Project

A button to add a new project to the portfolio.

  • Cross Portfolio Tag Search

A powerful search tool that will return any project or element within a project that uses the same tag.

  • All Projects

Navigate to a full page view of all the projects within the portfolio. NB: a section of the Portfolio Home includes the same table in a condensed view.

  • Most Recently Accessed Projects

This fast-switch function provides a way to quickly switch between projects - whilst staying at the same level, eg switching from the Action section of Project A navigates the user to the Action section of Project B.

  • Example Project

Every account is provided with the same Oracle Financials Cloud Migration example project as a showcase of a working project. This example project is excluded from all other views.

  • Organisations

View and configure organisations. Every project, user and resource must belong to an organisation. The project manager can configure organisations to be as small as a team through to a global corporation.

  • Help

This help system.

  • Social Media

Links to the HORIZON PPM social media accounts.

Profile, Alerts & Notifications

The Profile menu provides easy access to...

  • My Profile

The users configurable profile including options to set their photo, change their password and to upgrade their subscription.

  • Alexa

A link to the unique HORIZON PPM Alexa voice skill in the Amazon store. More details on this world-first integration can be found at

  • Logout

The option to logout of the platform.

The Bell icon will update when new Alerts or Notifications are received. Click to read them

  • Alerts

Alerts are generated when users join or leave a project.

  • Notifications

Notifications are platform-wide messages to all users about services and functionality.


This Tour is automatically triggered for new users and will not be displayed on subsequent logins. It's a useful tool to quickly understand the layout of the page and the available features.


The Projects dashboard widgets and table provide a flexible view of all the projects within a users portfolio.

The RAG widgets provide an at-a-glance view of the health of the portfolio with counts for the numbers of projects that have an overall project health status of Red, Amber or Green. These widgets are interactive and clicking on them filters the table to the matching projects. This filter can be reset by selecting the All option on the Status filter just above the top left of the table.

Click on a Project to navigate to it's Project Home with a wealth of detail on it's plans and status.

Tip: Data tables are commonly used used across HORIZON PPM. More details on their capabilities can be found here.


The Escalations dashboard widgets and table provide a view of all open escalations across the portfolio; escalations that have not met their target date for resolution; and escalations assigned to the logged in user.

Clicking these interactive widgets applies a filter to the table to provide the custom view. This filter can be reset by selecting the All options on the Target and Owner filters just above the top left of the table.

Click on an Escalation to view the details; update things or view the history of the escalation.


The Actions dashboard widgets and table provide a view of all open actions across the portfolio; actions that have passed their target due date; and actions assigned to the logged in user.

Clicking these interactive widgets applies a filter to the table to provide the custom view. This filter can be reset by selecting the All options on the Target and Owner filters just above the top left of the table.

Click on an Action to view the details; update things or view the history of the action.

RAID Items

A RAID item is a Risk, Assumption, Issue or Dependency. The RAID Items dashboard widgets and table provide a view of all open RAID items across the portfolio; RAID items that have passed their target due date; and RAID items assigned to the logged in user.

Clicking these interactive widgets applies a filter to the table to provide the custom view. This filter can be reset by selecting the All options on the Target and Owner filters just above the top left of the table.

Click on a RAID Items to view the details; update things or view the history of the RAID item.

Portfolio Calendar

All scheduled activities for all active projects are included on the Portfolio Calendar.

Clicking on the calendar entry opens the editor displaying all the details of the scheduled activity.