
Project teams in HORIZON PPM are made up of users and resources.

  • Users are others with login accounts on Horizon PPM. These maybe existing accounts or pending accounts created through an invitation to join that has not yet been actioned.
  • Resources are pseudo accounts created within a project to represent someone that doesn't have access to this particular project. They may still be users with access to other projects. Examples of resources are clients & customers or suppliers & partners.

HORIZON PPM has been designed to be accessible to encourage all project team members to be users where practical.

HORIZON PPM currently users a simple and open permission model.

  • Owners are the users that create a project. They have the full permission on the project to change any aspect including archiving the project itself. All users (dependent on their subscription) can create and therefore own projects.
  • Participants have view, update and delete permissions on all aspects of a project.
  • Guests have view only permissions across  all aspects of a project.

A note on Change Control and History

These open permissions encourage collaboration at pace without limits. And though their are few controls limiting changes by colleagues on a project all changes are tracked and visible in the item histories and the overall project history.

Accessing the Project Team

The Project Team can be accessed from 2 locations in HORIZON PPM ...

Project Home Counter

A count of the Project Team members is also displayed on the Project Home. Clicking this widget redirects the user to the Project Team Dashboard.


The Project Team is also accessible from the left-hand side navigation bar...

Project Team Dashboard

The Project Team Dashboard provides a table of all current and invited users and all current resources, the permissions the users have and the role they play in the project.

Note: HORIZON PPM makes a distinction between the role a person has in a project and their job title in the orgnaisation they work for.

Viewing/Managing the Project Team

Select a user or resource to enter the editor... 

Note: The layout and options displayed differ between users and resources.

Selecting a resource or user opens the associated profile with a form which can be updated...

The example above is for a resource.

Profile Introduction

The Profile Introduction  provides the key identification information.

Each element is described in detailbelow ...

Profile Photo

Users can set their own identity photo through their user profile. This cannot be set for others. Resources do not have an option to have a photo added to their profile.


A users name is initially set by the team member inviting a person to join Horizon PPM. Once they sign up the name is automatically updated (if required) based on the persons name on their LinkedIn profile. Once registered a user can update their name through their user profile. The name of a resource is set by the person creating the resource. It can be updated later.

Project Role

The project role is the position a user or resource has on this specific project. It does not necessarily match their job title. It  is set at the time of the user being invited or the resource being created, but it can be updated later if required.

PermissionsThe permissions for a given user or resource...

  • Participant - with read and update permissions
  • Guest - with read only permissions
  • Resource - with no permissions

Users with that have been invited to join but have not yet accepted the invitation will have the additional pending indicator.


Using this button resources can be invited to join the project as users. See below for details

Profile Statistics and Contact Information

Project Statistics

The project statistics are automatically for users showing how active they are on Horizon PPM. These are left as N/A for resources.

Contact Information

If provided the user's or resource's contact information - email, mobile number and linkedIn URL - are displayed here.

Viewing/Managing the User/Resource

This page has two tabs allowing a user to toggle between Project Profile and Assignments

Project Profile

The Project Profile form is the user or resource's profile related to this specific project.

These form fields are...

  • Full NameThe first and last names of the person.
  • Role DescriptionThe role the person is assigned to on this specific project
  • Email Address. The person's email address.
  • Job Title. The person's job title with their employing organisation.
  • OrganisationThe organisation the person works for or represents.
  • Mobile Number. The person's mobile/cell number.
  • Location. The location that where the person is based.

Whether an item is mandatory or optional is dependent on whether this represents a user or resource. 


The Assignments tab provides a view of project items that have been to this user or resource...

The list of assignments includes Actions, Decisions, RAID items, Escalations and Scheduled Activities.

Inviting a User to Join a Project

To invite a user to join the project select the Invite User button at the top right of the table.

Inviting a user opens a form with a subset of the fields as described in Viewing/Managing the User/Resource. See above for details.

On completion the user is returned to the Project team Dashboard with the new user added...

Initially this User is shown as Pending (in the User Type column) until the user has logged in and accepted the project invitation. he Organisation and Job Title are also Not Set until the user has updated them.

An email will also be sent to the person invited to join. The wording and link is slightly different for users who already have an active HORIZON PPM account to those that are new to the platform ...

Invitation without an active HORIZON PPM account

Invitation to an existing HORIZON PPM user

All emails are sent from Horizon PPM Support <>

Adding a Resource to a Project

To a resource to the project select the Add Resource button at the top right of the table.

Adding a resource opens a form with a subset of the fields as described in Viewing/Managing the User/Resource. See above for details.

As there is no human user associated with this resource there are a few additional fields to complete. And no emails are sent out.

On completion the user is returned to the Project team Dashboard with the new resource added...

Removing a User from a Project

Removing a user from a project does not remove the users account from Horizon PPM.


To remove a user from a project enter the specific user's profile (see Viewing/Managing the User/Resource above) and then select the Remove button in the top left panel under the photo.

HOIZON PPM will provide a summary of assigned items in the prompt for confirmation of the deletion before proceeding.

It is best to ensure items always have an assigned owner. This can be achieved by cancelling the deletion and viewing the assignments on the users project profile. Each assignment is a link to the specific item and can be reassigned to a new user or resource before returning to remove this user. Alternatively the removal can go ahead. the project owner will be emailed of unassigned items and can reassign them at a later date. All unassigned items are also listed on the Unassigned Items report.

Once the user confirms the removal by selecting OK to proceed HORIZON PPM will provide confirmation of the user being removed then return the user to the Project Team Dashboard.

On removal emails will be sent to the person removed form the project and to the project owner.

The project owner will also be emailed if the removal of the user leaves any unassigned items.

A User Leaves a Project

When viewing their own profile in a the project team Dashboard users have the option to remove themselves from a project.

To leave a project select the Leave button in the top left panel under the photo.

As above HOIZON PPM will provide a summary of assigned items in the prompt for confirmation of the deletion before proceeding.

It is best to ensure items always have an assigned owner. This can be achieved by cancelling the deletion and viewing the assignments on the users project profile. Each assignment is a link to the specific item and can be reassigned to a new user or resource before returning to remove this user. Alternatively the removal can go ahead. the project owner will be emailed of unassigned items and can reassign them at a later date. All unassigned items are also listed on the Unassigned Items report.

Once the user confirms their desire to leave by selecting OK to proceed HORIZON PPM will provide confirmation then as they no longer have access to the project they will be returned to the Portfolio Home.

On leaving emails will be sent to the person has left the project and to the project owner. 

As above the project owner will also be emailed if the user leaving results in any unassigned items.


Removing a Resource from a Project

Removing a resource from a project is essentially the same as the process for removing a user as outlined above. The only difference being that no emails are sent to the resource as part of the process. [They are still sent to the project owner].