The My Profile page provides a Project Statistics & Information panel and 4 tabs where changes can be made ...

  1. Personal Info
  2. Photo
  3. Security
  4. Subscription 

i. Personal Info

The information added here is visible to all participants of any project the user is also an owner or team member.

The form fields are ...

  • Full Name. Users often work with multiple people at the same time and it is advised that both a forename and surname are entered. This is the only mandatory field on the form.
  • Job Title. This is the users actual job title and should not be confused with the role they play within an individual project. This is set separately within the Project Team area.
  • Organisation. This will typically be the company or or organisation the user works for. The drop down list includes any organisations the user has created themselves or any organisations accessible to them through other projects they are a member of.
  • Mobile Number. An optional field to add a mobile/cell number. Format is not enforced, but international format is recommended 
  • LinkedIn Profile. As a professional tool we recommend adding the optional link to the users public LinkedIn profile.
  • Location. Th location field not only provides awareness of the users location, but is also used within the system to calculate remaining working days left on projects. The Remaining Working Days widget is displayed on the Project Home and on the Schedules & Events pages. The system matches the location of the user with the NWD location(s) of any Event tagged as a Non Working Day (NWD). For example an event marked as a NWD with a NWD location of UK (such as a national holiday) would subtract a day from the remaining working days counter.

Once updated select the Save Changes button to commit the changes. {Note the page remains visible once changes have been saved).

ii. Photo

The Photo tab provides the facility to add/update a profile photo.


The photo is initially loaded from your LinkedIn profile, but can be replaced later.

Selecting the Select image button will open the browser built in file navigation to allow selection of your photo.

Note: Though the functionality is the same different internet browsers may look different than the screen shots shown below (these are from Chrome on Windows).

The system will provide a preview of the selected photo. If this is not the desired photo the Change button can be used to re-open the browsers file navigation utility to chose a different photo. Alternatively, the Remove button can be used to remove the photo.

Note: Removal removes both the selected photo and any previously set photo.

Once the desired photo has been selected use the Upload photo button to save the changes and make the new photo visible.

iii. Security

Note: The password is not currently used for everyday logins. This is a backup should login not be available via LinkedIn

The Security tab provides the facility to change the current password. This is changes the password on HORIZON PPM -- and not the one used in LinkedIn.

The form requires the current and new password to be entered.

iv. Subscription

Note: The Subscription tab is dynamic and changes to reflect your current subscription and options.

All new users are automatically added to the Basic subscription plan. This provides users with the ability to create and manage 4 projects of their own and participate and collaborate in up to 4 additional projects owned and managed by others.

Users can select their preferred billing period and submit the Upgrade to Premium button to remove these restrictions.

Users already on the Premium plan will see a different page inviting users to contact us if they have additional enterprise requirements or wish to downgrade back to the Basic plan.

Additional details on subscription choices can be found on on the Pricing Plans page.