Organisations are an essential component within HORIZON PPM and one of the few things that are mandated.

Every project and every user and resource must belong to an organisation.

However, as the user you get to define the organisation. It could be the company you work for, a charity, a client or customer company, a government department, or just simply your family.

The size and shape of an organisation is completely flexible and does not have to be a formal structure such as a business. And you may want to define multiple organisations for different teams within the same company.

Once defined organisations are used in three different ways...

  1. To identify the customer the project is being delivered for. The organisation name and their logo will appear on the predefined reports.
  2. To group projects being delivered for the same customers in the portfolio views.
  3. To group team members (users and resources) by organisation in the team member views.

Viewing/Managing Organisations

As organisations are managed at the portfolio level they are always available in the left hand navigation bar.

The default My Organisation is created for all users on first login and may be the only organisation visible initially, but if the system has been used for a while it will grow to include all organisations the user has created themselves andorganisations created by other users and associated with the projects you have access to.

Adding a New Organisation

Select Add to add a new organisation

This will open a simple form

These form fields are...

  • Organisation. Every organisation needs a name. 

Note: This name is visible to all participants in the project - including any external clients or partners you provide access to. 

Tip. It doesn't have to be a an official company name. Organisation names can be as formal or friendly as you need.

  • URLAn optional field to include the URL to the organisations website.
  • AddressAn optional field to include the address for the organisation. This is kept freeform and can be a link to Google Maps, the keywords from What3Words or some other form of address.
  • Phone. For large organisations it is recommend the main switchboard number is included - and ideally including the international dialling code.

Known Issue: Currently an organisation logo cannot be set on initial creation. Once the organisation has been defined it can then be updated and the logo set.

Updating an Organisation

Select any organisation to enter the editor...

Selecting an organisation opens a form...

These form fields are slightly different to when the organisation was first created...

  • LogoAny image (up to 2MB in size) can be used as a logo for your organisation. The current logo is displayed. Choose a File from your device to replace the current image.

This will open the browser built in file navigation to allow selection of your photo. 

Note: Though the functionality is the same different internet browsers may look different than the screen shots shown below (these are from Chrome on Windows). 

Alternatively the current image can be deleted by clicking the checkbox. The organisation's logo will then automatically be reset to the system default.

  • Organisation. Every organisation needs a name. 

Note: This name is visible to all participants in the project - including any external clients or partners you provide access to. 

Tip. It doesn't have to be a an official company name. Organisation names can be as formal or friendly as you need.

  • URLAn optional field to include the URL to the organisations website.
  • AddressAn optional field to include the address for the organisation. This is kept freeform and can be a link to Google Maps, the keywords from What3Words or some other form of address.
  • Phone. For large organisations it is recommend the main switchboard number is included - and ideally including the international dialling code.

Update to save any changes

An organisation can also be deleted from this form.