
Projects can involve a lot of information in a lot of different formats and stored in lots of locations. HORIZON PPM provides an opportunity for the project team to keep this kesupporting information in the Project Library.

Accessing the Project Library

The Project Library can be accessed from a couple of locations in HORIZON PPM ...

Project Home Counter

A count of the available documents is displayed on the Project Home. Clicking this widget redirects the user to the Project Library.


The Project Libary is also accessible from the left-hand side navigation bar...

The Project Library

The Project Library provides a table of all currently available documents..

The system automatically attempts to determine the file type and associate it with an appropriate icon.

Viewing/Downloading a Document

A file is viewed or downloaded by clicking on the image in the first column

Note: The way documents are viewed/managed will depend on your local browser and system.

Managing a Document

Select the document (by clicking on any part of the row except the image icon) to enter the editor... 

Selecting a document opens a form which can be updated...

These form fields are...

  • File. This is the system name of the file. It is based on the name of the file that was originally uploaded.

Note: The way documents are uploaded will depend on your local browser and system.

  • Title. The title of the document.
  • Comments. Comments relating to the document. The default is "new".
  • Tags. An optional field to add tags to a document. To add a tag type the word or words and press the return key (this may be a go button or similar in the virtual keyboard on a mobile device). The system then highlights the new tag in blue but doesn't submit the form allowing additional tags to be added.

Note: Tags are a powerful feature allowing easy identification and access to common items across the projects and portfolios. See the Tag Search page for more details.

  • Last Updated. An automatically updated field displaying the last date/time this document was updated

Adding/Uploading a new Document

To add/upload a new document select the Add button at the top right of the table.

Adding a new document opens the same form as described in Managing an Document. See above for details.

Note: The system applies a very generous file size of 30MB for each individual file.

Note: The way documents are uploaded will depend on your local browser and system.

Once the form is submitted and the new document is uploaded and the user will be redirected back to the Project Library with the table refreshed to display the new document.

Deleting a Document

To delete a document open the specific document (see Managing a Document above) and then select the Delete button at the bottom left of the form.

HOIZON PPM will prompt for confirmation of the deletion before proceeding.

Once the user confirms the deletion by selecting OK to proceed HORIZON PPM will provide confirmation of the action then return the user to the Project Library.